Louise Sharp Deyoe is quite hard to find. Family rumors have circled about her origins and one goal is to confirm or deny them positively. She is my husband's maternal great grandmother and they family has always claimed that she is a Mescalareo. No one however has any proof. One of my goals (continued over from last year) this year is to confirm her ancestry - be it Native American or not. Louise was born in 1838 in New York State, according to the 1850 and 1880 censuses. She married Daniel G. Deyoe in 1870. An internet source agreed on the year and included Claverack, Columbia, NY as the marriage location. Their son Morgan is my husband's grandfather. He was born in NY and came down to Philadlephia for work, met Julia Coursault, married and stayed in Philadelphia. Louise eludes me though. I can find no record of her father. I found a 12 year old Louise Sharp on the 1850 NY Census living with a 32 year old Sarah Sharp. Both claimed to be white and from NY. Now the fami...
by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman