Those Places Thursday is a weekly prompt by GeneaBloggers, in which various places are discussed. Today - being the day the Pope resigns (at 1400 ET) - I thought perhaps focusing on one of the Catholic Churches my family has attended at some point would be appropriate. Hence, I selected today's feature place to be St. Mary of the Assumption in Phoenixville, Chester County, PA. St Mary is one of the oldest Catholic parishes in Chester County. The oldest parish in the county incidentally is St. Agnes Church in West Chester which was founded in 1793. Records for St Mary were kept from 1840. In 1841, according to the church's anniversary book, the present church grounds were purchased for $200 by Father Donahue. The church was completed in March of that year. At that time, Father Patrick Donahue - who was the pastor at St Patrick in Norristown - served St Mary's pastoral needs. He would come monthly for Mass and confessions. The other Sundays the parishioners of St Mary...
by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman