Amy Johnson Crow has done it again! She blogs at NoStoryTooSmall.com and what she did was set out a challenge for 2015. The challenge is called 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. Each week focuses a different theme designed to inspire one to write about one’s ancestors. This year (well, 2015) I am taking up the challenge!
For more information on this challenge, go to: http://www.nostorytoosmall.com/posts/announcing-52-ancestors-in-52-weeks-2015-edition/.
You can post anytime throughout that given week. So for
example, Week One the theme is Fresh Start. Week One is from 1-7 January. The 1st
happens to be a Thursday so I think, personally, I am going to stick with
posting my #52Ancestors on Thursdays each week throughout the year.
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