Recently Crestleaf
published a list of 40 Twitter Accounts to follow and included Genealogical Gems
(@GenealogicalGem) on it! Below is that list.
2. @AmyCrow
8. @ClueWagon
9. @DearMyrtle
10. @DHGenealogy
11. @DickEastman
12. @DJoshuaTaylor
13. @ElkinsValerie
14. @EllisIsland
15. @GenaOrtega
16. @GeneaBloggers
17. @GenealogicalGem
18. @GenealogyIsFun
19. @GlobalReunion15
20. @HenryLouisGates
21. @HeritageFamily
22. @HistoryAngels
23. @InDepthGen
24. @LIGenealogist
25. @LindaEccles2
26. @LisaCooke
27. @LorineMS
28. @LynnPal
29. @LynnsWaffles
30. @MadamAncestry
31. @Marksology
32. @MJNRootDig
33. @OldPostcards
34. @PhotoDetective
35. @SavorySpotlight
36. @Spurwing_
37. @THEHeirHunters
38. @VerissimaFilms
39. @VHughesAuthor
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