Several articles caught my attention this week but these two stood out.
Schalene Dagutis’ article titled “Social
Security Applications and Claims Index.” This was a great example of how
this database – newly released on Ancestry.com – is vital to finding those
unknown bits and pieces.
Have ancestors from the Netherlands ? This article is for
you then! Yvette Hoitink wrote
a piece on obtaining certified copies of birth and death records from the Netherlands .
Dutch records are available to the public 50 years after death, 75 years after
marriage and 100 years after birth.
Resource Finds:
I thought I would also pass along some resources I tracked
down this week through various sources.
lists a great number of helpful books and newspapers. He provides a brief
description as well as a link off to them.
Genealogy is enjoying mainstream tv time as more and more
celebrities are interested in finding their heritage. “Who Do You Think You
Are?” airs Sunday evenings on TLC at 9/8C. This coming Sunday, 2 August, the
show will feature J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series.
Recently on Twitter, I followed: @OnePlaceStudies, @AtcherleyONS, @1PlaceStudyReg, @huboutourville, and @GargaroFamily.
Final Note:
Tuesdays, at 2 p.m. ET on Twitter, a group of genealogists
chat using the hashtag #AncestryHour. This past week the contacts through the
session led me to find information about a crime in
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© Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015
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