Baking powder is something we kind of take for granted today. Baking powder itself actually dates back to 1843. The Royal Baking Powder Company was founded in 1866 by brothers Cornelius and Joseph Hoagland. In 1873 two investors were brought on and the company took off at that point.
On 11 February 1873, the Royal Baking Product was mentioned
in a drugstore ad on the front bottom right of the Charlotte Democrat (Charlotte , NC ).
Wilson & Black’s Drug Store simply mentioned the product by name. There was
little description.
By 1891 the Royal Baking Powder Company was advertising
across the nation. Today, being Shopping Saturday (a GeneaBloggers prompt), I
thought we could take a look at some of their ads. I first saw their ad in the
Evening Herald (Shenandoah ,
PA ).
The Shenandoah Evening Herald printed a 2x2 ad for Royal
Baking Powder at the top middle of page three. Other papers displayed larger
The Frankfort Roundabout (Frankford ,
KY ) and the Rock Island Daily Argus (Rock Island , IL )
ran several front page ads in 1891. That ad boasts that the US government officially reported
that the Royal Baking Powder had more leavening strength than any other brand.
The 28 March 1891 St Paul
Daily Globe (St Paul , MN ) ran a two column piece on the company
and its credits. In the paid article/ad Dr. Willis G Tucker, a New York State
Analyst, states he has examined the product and it is “superior” to others.
The product is still available today!
Saturday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers.
© Jeanne
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