It always amazes me the things that made the paper in times past. The dirty laundry aired in papers just always surprises me. For example, On This Day in 1880, Dora Ditman and her husband, Casper Ditman, appeared in court in a custody matter. The details were reported in the daily paper.
Witnesses were called to support her version. Rebuttal
witnesses were called to claim Casper
was a good man who provided for his family. In the end, the Court ruled in
Dora’s favor, allowing the children to remain with her.
This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015
Airing "dirty laundry" was once a common thing in yesterday's newspapers....long before the term of politically correct. I have been shocked at some of the details provided.