Over a thousand men were taken prisoner over the five day battle at the Weldon Railroad in August 1864. The National
Union General Ulysses S Grant led an attack on the Weldon
Railroad at Globe Tavern in Virginia
beginning on 18 August. The Weldon Railroad ran from Virginia
to Weldon , NC . The battle continued five days.
My 4th great uncle Benjamin Franklin VanHorn was
among those at that battle. He served with the 90th Regiment of the
Pennsylvania Infantry and was among those 1,500 men taken prisoner.
The National Republican, out of Washington , DC ,
gave a detailed report of the accounts and the captures. The rebels charged
between the 5th and 9th corps. In doing so, they captured
a large number of Union soldiers. At the same time, a heavy column charged the
western lines. The lines broke and again the Confederates captured several
hundred men. The total loss, killed and taken prisoner, was estimated at 3,000.
Monday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015
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