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Showing posts from November, 2015

On This Day: Eckman sells Gochenaur farm

On This Day in 1880, it was recorded that John W. Eckman sold the Gochenaur farm in Providence Township to Silas Winters. Eckman was the manager of Montgomery iron company of Port Kennedy. The farm, which at one time was mined for iron ore, contains approximately 50 acres. It sold for $4,000.   Silas’ mother was a Gochenaur by birth – Esther Gochenaur (1792 – 1823). She is the daughter of Joseph and Esther Herr Gochenaur. Esther is a direct lineal descendent of the Rev. Hans Herr.   Silas was born about 1822 to Esther (nee Gochenaur) and Christopher Winters. He and his wife, the former Catherine Marks, farmed in Providence Township . They had at least four children of their own: Ella M. (1844-1907), Mary A. (b. 1846), Sophia (b. 1848), Augustus (1847-1924), John (b. 1854), Laura (b. 1857) and Walter H. (b. 1861). They also adopted two children: Ida and Charles LeFevre.    The Eckman family is related to the Winters, the Gochenaurs, and the Herrs. ...

Sunday’s Obituary: Stanley Matys

My great grandmother is Bessie Matys. While searching for information on her and her brother, Frank, I came across an obituary in the Wilkes-Barre Record ( Wilkes-Barre , Luzerne County,  PA ). Stanley Matys’ obituary ran on Wednesday, 8 November 1944.    His obituary reads: Stanley Matys, 1136 Spring Street, Avoca, died early yesterday morning in Jefferson Hospital , Philadelphia .   Mr. Matys was born in Poland and had been a resident of the Avoca section since coming to this country 40 years ago. He was a member of SS Peter and Paul’s Church, Avoca.   Surviving are his widow and these children: Dr. Edwin Mays, a lieutenant in the US Navy, on duty at sea; Corp. Henry Matys, US Army in Italy ; Mrs. Lillian Guisinski, at home, and two grandchildren.   I do not know of any relation between Stanley and my Matys line. He would have come to America in 1904, just a few years earlier than my Bessie and her brother Frank. Frank’s daughter C...

On This Day: International Holodomor Memorial Day

Today is the International Holodomor Memorial Day. Today, Ukrainians worldwide remember the 81st anniversary of the Holodomor, Famine Genocide of 1932-33. ï»ż A Holodomor is a man made famine or genocide. In 1932, the Soviets increased the quota for grain by 44%. They were well aware that this ridiculously high quota would cause a grain shortage. The grain shortage in turn would result in Ukrainian peasants starving. At that time, Soviet law dictated that no grain was allowed to be given to the peasants for food until the quota for the government had been reached. Hence, there were peasants working in wheat fields day in and day out, seeing a wealth of grain every day and knowing that they would go hungry that night and that their children would go hungry. This unnecessary government induced famine resulted in the death of between 7 to 10 million people, mainly Ukrainians. It was instigated by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his henchman Lazar Kaganovich to break the spirit of the...

Happy Thanksgiving

  Happy Thanksgiving.

On This Day: Storm of the century dumps feet of snow

The “storm of the century” hit the eastern United States On This Day in 1950. The storm dumped several feet of snow over the Appalachians and nearby areas. The storm formed over North Carolina . It moved north affecting western Pennsylvania , eastern Ohio and West Virginia . In addition to the blanket of snow, record colds and strong windstorm struck from North Carolina to New York and beyond to the New England states.   This storm is said to have claimed 160 lives.   The Logan Daily News, out of Logan , Ohio , called the storm the “worst snowstorm on record.” The snow was 19 inches deep in Pittsburgh On This Day in 1950, according to the Delaware County Daily Times, in Chester , PA. The paper also reported that another 15 inches was expected and that Pittsburgh was essentially paralyzed. The Daily Notes, out of Canonsburg , PA , ran a photo of snow drifts in Cleveland , stating that the blizzard was the worst since 1913.   Source Stormof the c...

Tombstone Tuesday: Christopher Charles Castaldi

Christopher Charles Castaldi is buried at the Hephzibah Baptist Church Cemetery in East Fallowfield Township , Chester County . My girls stumbled – literally – upon him the night we went up to “visit” my 4x great grandmother, Margaret Still who is also buried there. His stone reads: Christopher Charles Castaldi November 25, 1996 We’ll see you someday in heaven And hold you in our arms Until then you remain a memory A baby forever ours.   Had he lived, little Christopher would have been 19 tomorrow.      Tombstone Tuesday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers.   © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

On This Day: Lucy is discovered

It was On This Day in 1974 that Lucy was found! Lucy lived 3.2 million years ago in the area now known as Ethiopia . She walked upright. She was a fully grown adult female, although she was just under four foot tall.   Lucy was found by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray in Ethiopia at the site of Hadar. The two archeologists took a different route back to their vehicle and noticed a right proximal ulna belonging to a hominid. In the next two weeks, several hundred bone fragments were found, adding up to 40% of a single skeleton.   A hominid is a member of the Hominidae family. That zoological family consists of the species originating after the human/African ape ancestral spirit, according to the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University .    Source Lucy’sStory . Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University .     On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.      ...

On This Day: Colorado governor calls on militia

Unions have been supporting workers in America for centuries. The Western Federation of Miners (WFM) had been founded in 1893 in Montana . Its strong influence had reached Cripple Creek in Colorado . By the end of October 1903, miners in the Cripple Creek gold mines took part in a strike. The goal of the strike was an eight hour workday.   With the gold mine standing still, Colorado Governor James Peabody sent the state militia into town On This Day in 1903. The mine owners, determined to break the union, had turned to the governor for state militia protection for the replacement workers being brought in.   The strike, over the next few months, turned violent. By mid-summer the following year (1904), the strike was over and the union never regained the same control.    Source Colorado governor sends militia to Cripple Creek . 23 November 1903.      On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events. ...

On This Day: Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated?

It was On This Day in 1963 that our 35 th United States President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas , Texas . He was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in his motorcade with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy by his side. Texas Governor John Connally and his wife were in the vehicle with them at the time.    There is nothing I can write that has not already been written about this fateful day in America ’s history. May His Memory Be Eternal.   Do YOU remember where you were that day when you heard the news of his death?   Source John F.Kennedy assassinated . 22 November 1963.      On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.                  © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

Society Saturday: NGS Announces Program for the 2016 Family History Conference

The National Genealogical Society (NGS) has released its 2016 Family History Conference program. The program, which includes more than 170 lectures, is now available online   and as a sixteen-page registration brochure . Nationally known speakers and subject matter experts will address a broad array of topics, including records for Florida and its neighboring states; migration into and out of the region; military records; state and federal records. Other topics will discuss genealogical research on African Americans and women; methodology; analysis and problem solving; and the use of technology, including genetics, mobile devices, and apps useful in genealogical research. The conference will take place at the Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from 4 May to 7 May 2016. Registration opens on 1 December 2015 at . A number of special events have limited seat...

On This Day: Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address

President Abraham Lincoln had been invited to say a few words at the dedication of part of the battlefield in Gettysburg. He had, for some time, been planning on making some sort of public statement on the war. This event seemed the perfect opportunity. Being ever so humble, Lincoln did not expect the world to recall his words that somber day.   It was with that humble thought that Lincoln, On This Day in 1863, Lincoln gave his now famous Gettysburg Address.   I can recall having to memorize this in eighth grade (I think it was). Sadly, I do not recall my kids having to learn this. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.   Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to ded...

On This Day: Lock Haven State School Superintendent visits Lancaster

Professor Albert Newton Raub, the superintendent of the State Normal School in Lock Haven, was in Lancaster City On This Day in 1882. He was here visiting his brother, S. W. Raub.   Dr. Raub was only 29 when he started the movement to establish a Normal School in Lock Haven. At the time, he served as principal of the Lock Haven High School . Not only was he instrumental in establishing the Central State Normal School , which would evolve into the current Lock Haven State University (LHU), he also became her first president.   Raub had been born in Lancaster County on 28 March 1840. He had graduated from Millersville Normal School . That school, of course, is now known as Millersville State University (MU).    In addition to teaching, he also authored several textbooks. He resigned in 1884 when he went on to Delaware College in Newark , DE . He died in 1904, leaving a wife and six children.   Sources Conner, Matt. “LHU’s founding f...

Historic Huguenot Street expresses solidarity with France

As a community founded by French settlers over 300 years ago, we at Historic Huguenot Street are saddened by the devastating attacks in Paris on Friday. Our hearts go out to our French allies, families, and friends. “ LibertĂ©, Ă©galitĂ©, fraternitĂ© ” is more than just a motto – it represents a set of values that we all share. We stand united with Paris and offer our support to all affected by this tragedy. The above, including the photo, was taken directly from a press release/email from Historic Huguenot Street.

Tombstone Tuesday: Catherine Kurenda Yuzwiak

Catherine Kurenda Yuzwiak is my Baba’s sister. She is buried with her husband, John Yuzwiak, at the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Cemetery in Valley Township , just outside Coatesville in Chester County . She passed 37 years ago yesterday so I thought it fitting to feature her today on Tombstone Tuesday.   Catherine was born on 1 January 1912 to John and Frances Skrabalak Kurenda. She married John Yuzwiak (1904 – 1984) on 29 June 1929 at Holy Ghost Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (as it was then called). They had two sons: John and Stephen. She died on 16 November 1978.   Tombstone Tuesday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers.   © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

On This Day: Lancaster widow left destitute

A Lancaster widow has been left destitute. Mrs. Peterman, of 321 Concord alley in Lancaster City , lost her husband a few months ago. Three months ago she lost a child. Another child died last week and On This Day in 1880 another child lay dying.    The Peterman family reportedly has nothing to eat. Neighbors help where they can but are said to be scared to visit since the children are believed to have died of diphtheria. Contributions for the family were being accepted at several locations in the City.   The Lebanon Daily News published an article of “an unusually sad case” involving the Peterman family which gave more details. The article notes that the father, George Peterman, was alive just eight months prior. He was in ill health and barely able at that time to feed his wife and their nine children. This article, published only a week after the one in Lancaster paper, states that the children died one by one, starving to death. After the sixth child...

On This Day: Kennedy looses foot in railroad accident

David Kennedy lost his foot after a railroad related accident, it was announced On This Day in 1881. Kennedy is a brakeman on engine No 287 or the Pennsylvania railroad. He lives in Columbia , Lancaster County . The accident occurred in Downingtown, Chester County. A passing car ran over his foot. The foot was crushed so badly that it needs to be amputated. Kennedy was brought home to Columbia .   Sources Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. ( Lancaster , PA ), 16 November 1881. Chronicling America : Historic American Newspapers . Library of Congress.      On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.                  © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

On This Day: Snyder named court crier and interpreter

Joseph C. Snyder was named crier and interpreter On This Day in 1880 for Lancaster County Courts. The position was left vacant following the death of George Albright. A note about Snyder: Joseph Snyder was 63 when he was appointed the court crier. He and his wife Anna lived on North Queen Street in Lancaster City .   Sources Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. ( Lancaster , PA ), 15 November 1880. Chronicling America : Historic American Newspapers . Library of Congress.    Year: 1880 ; Census Place : Lancaster, Lancaster , Pennsylvania ; Roll: 1142 ; Family History Film: 1255142 ; Page: 135C ; Enumeration District: 155 ; Image: 0437     On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.                  © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

Indian village destroyed

November is National Native American Heritage Month and the Native Alaskans are included as well. So, I have been keeping an eye out for relevant articles. Today, while searching for an On This Day post, I found an article about an entire village being destroyed.   The brief article, published in the Lancaster Daily Intelligencer ( Lancaster , PA ) on 13 November 1882,   was a dispatch from Victoria , British Columbia in Canada . The dispatch read: The United States revenue cutter Thomas Corwin, which has arrived from the North, brings particulars of the recent fight with Indians and the destruction of a villagel. The village destroyed was located at Hochinoo, on the Alaskan coast. The tribe had seized and held two white men and a steam launch which had been sent out for whales. The tribe surrounded and captured the launch with two white men and nearly succeeded in getting possession of the tug. The later, however, got away and steamed to Stika.   On 9 Nov...

On This Day: National Bank to be built in Christiana

A movement to begin a national bank in Christiana was announced On This Day in 1882. Samuel Slokum, esq., is one of the prominent backers in this movement. Source Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. ( Lancaster , PA ), 13 November 1882. Chronicling America : Historic American Newspapers . Library of Congress.    On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.                  © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

On This Day: Another Lancaster boy sent to House of Refuge

Another Lancaster County boy has been sent to the House of Refuge . Elmer E. McCorkle left for Philadelphia with Officer Swenk On This Day in 1881 after being remanded to the House of Refuge. The boy, just 14 years of age, is the son of John McCorkle of West Willow . The elder McCorkle took his son to the courts and asked for him to be remanded. There was enough evidence to prove the boy to be “very bad” and beyond control. Source Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. ( Lancaster , PA ), 12 November 1881. Chronicling America : Historic American Newspapers . Library of Congress.      On This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.                  © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

Polish Independence Day

Here in America we celebrate Veterans Day today. In most of Europe, people are celebrating Armistice Day. In Poland ... where some of my father's grandparents came from ... they are celebrating their independence! Today is Poland's National Independence Day. It was On This Day in 1918, after more than a century of partitions and take overs, that Poland once again claimed herself her own country. It was On This Day - according to the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity -  that JĂłzef PiƂsudski was appointed the Commander-in-Chief over the Polish Forces. Three days later he was given complete civil control over Polish territories. PiƂsudski is the founder of Polish legions. He had returned from German prison on 10 November 1918.               © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015

On This Day: America is called upon to honor her veterans

President Obama has issued, like many Presidents before him, a Proclamation announcing Veterans Day. Today is a day we – as a nation – honor our veterans.   The Proclamation reads: The United States military is the strongest, most capable fighting force the world has ever known.  The brave men and women of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard demonstrate a resolute spirit and unmatched selflessness, and their service reminds us there are few things more American than giving of ourselves to make a difference in the lives of others.  On Veterans Day, we reflect on the immeasurable burdens borne by so few in the name of so many, and we rededicate ourselves to supporting those who have worn  America 's uniform and the families who stand alongside them.    Our true strength as a Nation is measured by how we take care of our veterans when they return home, and my Administration is committed to ensuring our heroes and their loved...