When you grow up in a small town, there are some names that
just stand out throughout the generations. On This Day in 1882 the Lancaster
Daily Intelligencer published a short piece on the installation of officers at
Masonic Lodge, No. 417, in Christiana. Many are names that still are associated
with the town.
D.D.G. M. Breneman installed the new officers. Those
installed were: Worshipful Master Thomas J. Marsh; Senior Warden Thomas R.
Hirst; Junior Warden H.H. Hamilton; Treasurer Samuel Slokom; and Secretary
Edwin Carret.
Members and visitors were treated afterward to a banquet by
J. Hershberger, of the Christiana Hotel.
The Christiana Lodge, No 417 continues to meet and serve the
community today. The Lodge is located at Slokom Avenue and Green Street in the Borough. Christiana is located in Lancaster County, bordering Chester County.
This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015
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