The Lancaster Daily Intelligencer reported On This Day in
1880 that Pennsylvania
“has been stained” by its first lynching.
Jacob Gogle, his wife Annie, and their three children lived
in a little hamlet of Santee’s Mills, just north of Bethlehem . The children were ages nine, 12
and 16. They were a quiet little German family.
The coroner was called in and examined the scene with a
jury. After he left, a crowd stormed inside, pushing Yohe out of the way and
threw a rope around Snyder’s neck. The crowd drug Snyder out back to a tree
where they “swung him up.” He was left hanging for a half hour. Despite Yohe’s
efforts, the crowd succeeded in hanging Joseph Snyder.
Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. (Lancaster , PA ),
28 December 1880. Chronicling America : Historic American
Newspapers. Library of Congress.
The headline reads, “Murder and Lynch
Law” while the sub headline provided more information. It was: “A Man and His
Wife Murdered in Cold Blood by a Lustful Boarder Who is Strung Up Without a
Judge or Jury.”

The Gogle family took in a boarder, as many families did to help with
expenses. That boarder was 24 year old Joseph Snyder, an ore miner from Easton .
Snyder – you can guess where this is going given that sub
heading, right? – made frequent improper advances towards Alice, the 16 year
old daughter of the Gogles. She complained to her father who had several
confrontations with Snyder on the issue. Gogle told Snyder to stop or leave.
Then on Saturday, 25 December, Snyder was told to pay his board and leave. He
did not.
Sunday, Snyder was still in the home, singing carols with
the children and their visiting friends. The family, and Snyder, all went to
bed at the normal time. Then, at 2 o’clock Monday morning Snyder woke up
neighbor George B. Ritter, claiming someone had murdered Jacob and Annie Gogle.
Many heard of the horrific murder and flocked to the scene. Snyder had
disappeared sometime before 6 o’clock.
According to the children, Snyder had entered their room
during the night to “accomplish a hellish purpose on Alice .” He did not succeed, left and locked
their door from the outside. It is believed that it was then that he went down
stairs and murdered Jacob and Annie Gogle. Snyder once again – this time
wearing only a shirt and covered in blood – entered the room Alice slept in. His entering woke Alice and
her friend and they ran out. He chased them and the other children into the
upper room where he again locked the door.
The children reported seeing Snyder through a stovepipe
hole. Snyder burned his shirt, dressed and then took the children into their
parents’ room where he announced that robbers did this horrific deed and that
he was going to alarm the neighbors.
Detective Yohe led the manhunt to find Snyder. He finally
found him finding in the straw in Capt. Ritter’s barn. Snyder did not resist
arrest and Yohe took him back to the scene where he was greeted with chants of
“Hang him!”

Another source, a text by Barclay & Co., goes into a bit
more detail and background. It also noted the Gogle children were 14 year old
Alice, 12 year old Mary and 11 year old Henry. Jacob had been 38. Snyder was
24. Both men worked in the Coleman ore mines.
There were no arrests made for those who participated in the
lynching. The men who actually committed the lynching were believed to not have
been local farmers and neighbors but rather men from nearby Bethlehem .
"The Murder of the Geogles and Lynching of the Fiend Snyder by the Otherwise Peaceable and Law-Abiding Citizens of Bethlehem, Pa., And its Vicinity." Barclay & Co., Philadelphia.
This Day is a prompt to further explore historical events.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2015
This was my great-great grandparents. Alice was my grandmother's mother.....