My second great grandmother was born a Durkin. She was born in 1839 in Ireland but I know little else of her before she came to America in 1870. Every so often I do a broad search for Durkins. Here I came across a Margaret Durkin. The announcement â as transcribed: In Hyde Park , on the 8 th inst., by Rev. J.B. Laughlin, Miss Margaret Durkin, to Mr. Patrick Lenehan, all of Pittston. May the happy couple long enjoy The conjugal life with pleasure, And each new year new pleasure bring, As this year brought them together. The marriage announcement appeared on page two of the Pittston Gazette on 16 January 1852. Pittston is located in Luzerne County. Wedding Wednesday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers. © Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2016
by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman