Last month I received an email from a potential Van Horn
connection! Many of the names fit but the dates seem off a bit. It took a
little searching but our two lines do connect.
Hi Jeanne,
I found your blog while on and I’m wondering if
you would have any information on my Grandmother’s mother. Grandma was Margaret E. Van Horn/
Lilley(DOB 1897-1968). She married Roy E. Lilley. They had 4 girls and two
boys. One of the girls, Laura Lilley/Kulp/Hilbish was my Mother. My question
who was Margaret’s Mother . She
died while my Grandmother was very young and no one in the family knew who her
Mother was or how she died.
I have George W. as her father (DOB 1867) and 1900 census
shows George W. and Margaret E. living with Robert Newsom (DOB 1840
England-Immigration 1877-Married 1882 to Martha Van Horn/Newsom (Dob- June 23,
1845-June 6, 1915) but can’t figure out what the first husbands name was.(George
W. ’s father) George is listed as a stepson and Margaret as a
Granddaughter. I’m thinking
that Martha married the second time after having her children.
So, I am still looking for George W’s father and also
George W’s wife and mother to my Grandma. I thought since you have done a lot of
research on the Van Horn side you might have some answers for me. We must be
related somehow but right now, I’m not sure what the connection is.
Thanking you in advance for your help.
Donna M. Kulp/Pressley
I can trace – with documented certainty - my Van
Horn family back to John Van Horn. John was born 13 November 1785, according to
the US Federal Census Mortality Index. The same Index notes his death as having
occurred May 1850 in Bucks
County . His wife’s name
was Jane and they had two known children: George W. and Rachel.
George W. Van Horn was my 4th great grandfather.
He was born 3 August 1819 in Pennsylvania .
He grew up in Northampton , Bucks County ,
according to tax records which also confirm his father was John Van Horn.
George moved to Kensington, Philadelphia .
He was living there in 1850. The 1860 Census shows him living in Valley Township ,
Chester County . He is back in Philadelphia by 1863 though, working as a
carpenter. He died in Philadelphia
23 June 1878.
George had married Jane Dudbridge (born 1811). They had
seven children:
- Chrispin Pierson (1839 – 1902) ß my 3rd great grandfather
- Asher (1841 – 1842)
- Benjamin Franklin (1843 – 1909) ß a Civil War veteran
- Martha Elizabeth (1845 – 1915) ß Donna’s
- Joanna D (1848 – 1915)
- George W (1850 – 1851)
- William G. (b 1852)
Martha appeared in the 1870 US Census as a 24 year old keeping house in Wilmington ,
New Castle , DE . Living at home with her were 20 year old
Joanna labeled "idiotic" and 2 year old George W. Van Horn. Martha
and Joanna were born in PA. George was born in DE.
Fast forward to 1910. Forty-three year old
widower George W Van Horn is living in Leacock
Township , Lancaster County
with his 65 year old mother Martha E and her husband Robert Newsam. Living
there also is 13 year old Margaret E Van Horn, listed as Robert’s
granddaughter. This is the second marriage for both Robert and Martha. Martha
notes she has only one child.
Hence, Martha Elizabeth had George most
likely out of wedlock before marrying Robert Newsam in 1881. Margaret E Van
Horn is then the daughter of George W. Van Horn, and the granddaughter of
Martha Van Horn Newsam.
Donna was still
looking for George W’s father and his wife. Sadly, I cannot answer who fathered
George. As for his wife … in 1900 George was a widower living with his daughter
and his mother in law Ann Margie Eesmuth, as well as his brother in law John A
Eesmuth. So, while I do not have a first name for his wife, I do have her
maiden name!
Monday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2016
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