Take a moment, if you would, and look at the spare change in
your pocket. I would venture to bet you probably have a nickel in among your
coins. Did you know that the history of the nickel is linked with a little
rural village in Bart Township , Lancaster
County ? That hamlet is
Nickel Mines!
The hamlet gets its name from the area mines which are
abundant for nickel. The idea of today’s five cent piece – the nickel – was
suggested by Joseph Wharton who bought the mine back in 1862. Nickel Mines is
just a stones throw away from where I grew up in Sadsbury Township
and I never knew this fact until last Friday when I was doing some background
info on my great aunt’s husband, Chester Wiker, Sr. for the Funeral Card Friday

I should back up here and mention a bit about the mines in
the area. Nickel ore was discovered during the 1850’s in the waste products of
copper mining. Concentration shifted to mining for nickel ore specifically and
in the decade between 1850 and 1860, it has been estimated that over 35 million
pounds of nickel ore was mined. Unfortunately during the Civil War there was
little use for nickel and the mine fell on difficult times.
Wharton went to the Federal government and suggested, in
light of the coin shortage, that a new coin be made of nickel. The nickel would
be the new five cent piece. The idea was a hit. Congress, in
1866, required the United States Mint to produce a new five-cent coin made of
nickel and copper, according to the US Mint.
In addition to the new coin, nickel was used for many other
things. The mines continued to operate until 1893. Nickel ore was being
imported from Canada
at a lower price.
Wharton was not just successful, and now wealthy, but he was
also a philanthropist. He financially founded the Wharton School of Business so
that other men could also prosper. The Wharton School of Business in now part
of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia .
Wharton also co-founded the Bethlehem Steel Company.
“History of Nickel Mines,” Nickel Mines
Mennonite Church .
“Jefferson Nickel,” United States Mint. http://www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/circulatingcoins/?action=circnickel
Places Thursday is a genealogical prompt of GeneaBloggers.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2016
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