Ancestry is always adding new content. One of their recent additions is "US: WWII Hospital Admission Card Files 1942-1954. Knowing my Uncle Paulie - Paul Kurenda - died in the War, I searched for him. I searched only by his surname.

The only entry matching his name, is most definitely him. There were a couple other similar last names, but only one Kurenda.
Race: White
Rank: Enlisted
Admission Age: 22
Born: abt 1922
Admission Date: Mar 1922
Discharge: Aug 1922
Military Branch: Infantry, general, or unspecified
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis, generalized military
Type of injury: Disease
Injured in line of duty: Injured in line of duty
Type of Discharge: Died
Length of Service: 1 Year 3 months
Service number: 33478954
The original database is: Hospital Admission Card Files, ca. 1970 - ca. 1970. NAI: 570973. Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), 1775 - 1994. Record Group 12. The National Archives at College Park, MD. USA. To find this database, go to Ancestry's Card Catalog. Click on Search. At this time, it happens to be first on the list. In time, you may need to click on Military and type in the title.
I knew most of this information already. My grandparents told me he died in the War. They had said he was injured "over there" and sent home. He died at the Valley Forge General Hospital in Phoenixville, Chester County, PA. He was there from 21 July until his death on 11 August 1944.
(c) Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2020

The only entry matching his name, is most definitely him. There were a couple other similar last names, but only one Kurenda.
Race: White
Rank: Enlisted
Admission Age: 22
Born: abt 1922
Admission Date: Mar 1922
Discharge: Aug 1922
Military Branch: Infantry, general, or unspecified
Diagnosis: Tuberculosis, generalized military
Type of injury: Disease
Injured in line of duty: Injured in line of duty
Type of Discharge: Died
Length of Service: 1 Year 3 months
Service number: 33478954
The original database is: Hospital Admission Card Files, ca. 1970 - ca. 1970. NAI: 570973. Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), 1775 - 1994. Record Group 12. The National Archives at College Park, MD. USA. To find this database, go to Ancestry's Card Catalog. Click on Search. At this time, it happens to be first on the list. In time, you may need to click on Military and type in the title.
I knew most of this information already. My grandparents told me he died in the War. They had said he was injured "over there" and sent home. He died at the Valley Forge General Hospital in Phoenixville, Chester County, PA. He was there from 21 July until his death on 11 August 1944.
(c) Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman, 2020
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